"I believe a positive working relationship between small and large businesses is critical to the development of healthy, vibrant communities. By working together, small and large companies can learn from each other, benefit from each other, and provide the economic growth needed for communities to flourish. It is for this reason that I fully support the Clean Harbors Small Business Supplier Development Program and expect all Clean Harbors employees to support it also."
"A major initiative in our Business Plan is to cultivate a world-class supplier base. Developing a reliable supplier base is central to quality control, cost containment and on time deliveries. Clean Harbors requires fast, cost-effective response to rapidly changing shifts in supply and demand and targeted service to individual customers. Small business vendors, including minority or disadvantaged businesses, women-owned businesses, veteran-owned businesses and small businesses operating from "HUBZone" or high unemployment areas, are a vital part of our commitment to world-class customer response and will be given an equal opportunity to compete for Clean Harbors' business in this environment. As a result, Clean Harbors and its customers and its small business suppliers will all benefit."
Alan McKim
CEO and Chairman of the Board