
Clean Harbors offers Decontamination services for a wide range of circumstances by removing, neutralizing or destroying any harmful substance.
Whether you operate an oil refinery, a processing plant, a medical lab or any type of industrial facility, decontamination is critical to safe and efficient plant management. Clean Harbors has the technical expertise, manpower and equipment to decontaminate all sizes and types of facilities and waste. We provide Decontamination services for:
- Heavy metals and chemicals
- PCBs and oil
- Individual chemical tanks and large plating tanks
- RCRA closure of hazardous waste storage areas
- Animal waste matter and rodents
- Biohazards and pathogens (such as avian influenza)
Download Fact Sheet (Decontamination Services)
Proven Techniques
- Manual scraping and use of high-efficiency particulate air filter vacuums
- Decontamination with bleach or other specialty chemical solutions
- Pressure washing
- Use of HEPA-negative air machines
When the health of your staff and function of your business depend on thorough, expert decontamination, contact Clean Harbors.